The Rise Of The Female Gamer


The male gender dominates the gaming world. And the reason behind this is that boys tend to be drawn to video games than girls are. From the tender ages, boys are drawn to adventures, and that is why you will find them opening up electronics, climbing up trees, and other dangerous things. Boys always live on the edge when compared to girls. But this rule does not apply everywhere, because today more often than not, you will meet a girl who does what boys do and more. And in this article, we will focus on you, a girl who would love to become a pro in the gaming world. And below is how to.

  1. Do your research

When you decide to become a gamer, and you are female, you have to know your facts. And the best way to know them is through research. It would be best if you started with the games available, how they are played so on and so forth. It would help if you dug a little deeper as you have to have the upper hand. For instance, if you are searching on the rules of the games, dig a little deeper and also search for the tricks you can use on those particular games, even on, for instance.

  1. Follow your passion

When you do something without passion, you might as well not do it at all. So much so, when you decide to be a female gamer, you must dedicate yourself fully and become more rooted in the games you love. What that means is that when you love adventure, go for adventure and if you love missions, go for mission games. Just because your peers might stereotype that a lady cannot handle a mission game, does not mean you cannot do it.

  1. Surround yourself with pros

Surrounding yourself with people who are good at the game will give you the push you need to perfect your art. They will equip you with the skills, tips, and tricks to use in the genre of games you decide to go with. If you can, get a mentor who will guide you through the sport. Your mentor can be someone you physically see or virtually associate with. With modern technology, it is possible to have one in china while you play in South Africa.

  1. Be ready to be a lone ranger

As aforementioned, the gamers’ world is dominated by boys and men. So much so, you must be prepared to be the only lady in a room full of male counterparts. And this will not only happen once but in most of your excursions. Be ready for other players to underestimate your skills, and this will work to your advantage. They will go easy on you, and that is how you beat them.


The future is female, and it so implies in the gaming world too. You should never be swayed otherwise, just because it is a male-dominated sector. Be the one female to stand out among the males.